Geek Girls

G33KPRON Girl: Alicia

Well, hello there, peoples of the interwebs! As you may have noticed, a new face popped up on the Geek Girls profile page and that face is me! I wanted to introduce myself, get to know you a little better, and in general, hope and pray that my cat doesn’t accidentally walk across my keyboard and publish this post before I’ve triple-checked it for errors.

I will be covering anime and manga for GEEKPR0N. Don’t expect me just to cover new and upcoming anime, because I am somewhat of a vintage anime elitist and I hope to expose people to some classic vintage anime that I love. On top of anime reviews, because I have been cosplaying for a long time (going on eleven years),  I’ll update with tips on cosplaying for anime, along with convention reports whenever I can afford to go and other various fandom-related fun.

In general, when it comes to anime and manga, I am a sucker for shoujo. But the recent wave of new anime fans seem to shy away from love-triangle-esque highschool romance stories so I promise to not drown you in the sugary-sweet wonder that is shoujo. Although, I want to. I really, really want to. I also love science fiction, comic books, anything Legend of Zelda (I literally have a shrine in my room), horror, Star Trek, fantasy novels and cute animals. But I’ll avoid posting pictures of my cats – you have reddit for that!

I am stoked to be a part of the GEEKPR0N family! The world can never have enough sexy, geeky women.


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13 Comments on G33KPRON Girl: Alicia

  1. Welcome, read the article and also noticed you had Merele from Escadlowne as the main character in the background. Good series. Loved all the classic series from then, especially Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, etc.

  2. Alicia

    I actually haven’t watch the anime – it is on my to-do list! I have seen the ridiculous live-action first movie from Japan and I loved it. Apparently fans of the series didn’t like it, but I found it genuinely entertaining.

  3. Al1c1a

    I liked it, I actually thought it was cast really well. The CGI worked for the film and it wasn’t as campy as it could have been.

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