Geek Girls

Cosplay: Interview with Meg Turney – Borderlands Cosplay

For this week’s cosplay/G33K Girls feature, we got the chance to chat with Meg Turney – self-proclaimed nerdy girl who makes pillows and dresses up for fun. Based on that tagline alone she already fits right in with us at GEEKPR0N!

1. Being a huge Borderlands fan, I stumbled across your Psycho cosplay on Tumblr and instantly loved it! Are you a fan of the games as well?
I am a huge fan of the games! I played Borderlands nonstop when it was first released. I loved how easy it was the jump into friend’s games and just talk about whatever while we destroyed bandits.

2. I noticed you’ve done a few interviews for DeviantArt at SDCC. Would you say that your experience at DeviantArt influenced your cosplays and given you new ideas for future cosplays?
I actually started cosplaying over ten years ago, so I wouldn’t say my time at dA really did much to influence my cosplaying. What it did do was provide me a lot of helpful tutorials from more experienced cosplayers.

3. “Cross-play” is becoming increasingly popular and is one of my favorite types of cosplay. Do you plan on doing more cross-plays like your Psycho and Gears of War costumes?
I do love to take on a good male costume because it’s such a departure from what I’m used to. I also like to put a bit of a feminine spin on a male costume – like my Lady Hawkeye! I only have one cross-play planned for now and that’s Shredder for Halloween.

4. What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done and why?
Oh, it changes all the time, but my favorite cosplay is probably Chun-Li because I first wore the costume ten years ago and my grandmother actually made the dress, so it’s a nice reminder of my initial cosplay roots.

5. Any tips of aspiring cosplayers on costuming or going pro?
To beginners I would say: Have fun. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the details in this community or to feel like you’ll never be as good as someone like Yaya Han, but that’s okay! You have to start somewhere and while you’re starting out, you might as well have a ton of fun! This is a community that does what it does to celebrate our love of manga, anime, comics, and video games! So, just don’t lose sight of why you decided to try it out in the first place.

Make sure to check out Meg’s site for even more of her awesome cosplay and until the next convention – buy her nerdy pillows here!

(Click photos for larger versions)

Photos courtesy of: Jason Nunag, Marco Parc, WM Chanh Tang

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