
Five Things to Look Forward to in the Last Season of ‘Dexter’

I’m still trying to get used to sitting in front of my television in the middle of the summer to watch my favorite serial killer. While it’s been nice not having to decide between Dexter and The Walking Dead every week, the last rays of sunlight shining through my windows at 9pm are kind of a mood killer.

(let’s count how many times I can throw ‘killer’ and ‘Dexter’ in one sentence, k?)

With Dexter already two episodes into its final season, I can already tell that this is going to probably be one of the most epically awesome and scream-at-your-television-while-crying-in-agony seasons of the entire series…which is exactly what I was hoping and praying for to the television gods.

Whether you haven’t had a chance to catch up (shame on you) or if you’re like me and counting down the hours before the next episode airs tonight, here is a list of things you can look forward to in this season that will satisfy your bloody tastebuds (and I will try my best to not give too much away):

1. Dr. Evelyn Vogel/Dexter’s Past – Charlotte Rampling portrays Dr. Evelyn Vogel, a neuropsychiatrist who specializes in, surprise, serial killers. When she makes her first appearance in Miami in 20 something years shortly after the death of La Guerta, we automatically assume that this cannot be good news for Dexter. After a few uncomfortable glances and encounters between Vogel and Dexter, it becomes fairly obvious that her sudden appearance is no coincidence. At the end of the first episode, she presents him with some of his childhood drawings depicting him murdering stick-figures and proceeds to walk away. Dexter pushes her against a wall, demanding to know what she wants from him. She floors him (as well as the audience) as she says calmly,

“You can’t kill me. It doesn’t meet Harry’s code.”

During the next episode, Vogel explains her significance to Dexter’s past, present, and future self. She shows him the grainy footage she shot of his father, Harry, years ago, as he explains his concern over Dexter’s fascination with death. Vogel reveals she was the mastermind behind the “Code.”

“I helped create you,” she says.

Okay, Frankenstein.

2. Brains– There’s a new serial killer on the loose in Miami and it is believed that he is connected to Dr. Vogel. His M.O. is apparently to shoot his victims in the chest, slice open their craniums and scoop out a little piece of their brain.

“…the specific area of the brain that controls empathy,” Vogel points out.

Well that’s messed up.

Soon after her confrontation with Dexter, she asks for his help in catching this killer…in his own way, of course. The anonymous killer is sending her the scooped out portions of the brains of his victims. She believes he used to be one of her patients and she is now fearing for her life. Dexter proclaims that he doesn’t take requests, but the information Vogel has on his past keeps wheeling him back in.

We have yet to know who exactly this killer is. Is he a new character…or someone we’re already familiar with? (coughHANNAHMCKAYcough)

3. Sean Patrick Flannery– Okay, so maybe he hasn’t had the most significant role so far, but I have to admit that I was pretty freaking stoked when I found out that the Boondock Saints star was joining the cast of Dexter. Flannery portrays private investigator Jacob Elway, who, as of now, is simply Debra Morgan’s new boss. He seems harmless, but I hope that his role will unravel into something much deeper as the season continues. The show has a knack for trying to surprise us (while being slightly predictable), so if he ends up being the new serial killer, I will do an intense happy dance…and boast plenty of I told you so’s in the process. But maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

4. Who will break first, Dexter or Deb? The first episode of the season shows Dexter and Debra spiraling dangerously out of control. While Deb is taking drugs and screwing around with a wanted convict, Dexter is diagnosed with a severe case of road rage and bad parenting. The brother/sister duo, who used to rarely leave each other’s sides, are now lacking in the containing-a-good-relationship department. Deb was taken into craziness overload last season when she not only discovered that her brother was a serial killer, but she ended up killing the one person who had the power to expose him. She now carries the pressure of covering her brother’s tracks, as well as her own. Needless to say, she isn’t handling this very well. Dexter, on the other hand, is a pro at handling death, so I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Deb snaps first. After all, the previews for this season have fed us the idea that she will at some point confess to Miami Metro…but at this point, it’s unclear as to who she will be turning in to the police.

5. To Kill or Be Killed- This kind of reminds me of reading the last book in the Harry Potter series, trying to figure out who was going to die in the end. In the back of our minds, we assure ourselves that they cannot kill off the main character, but there’s that evil little voice that suggests the writer is in fact as sick and heartless as Steve Moffat and sees anyone as just another character to get rid of. So we have no choice but to ask ourselves this: Will Dexter have to die?


After all…

An all-new episode of Dexter airs tonight at 9PM EST only on Showtime.

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