
Fan Fiction the Show is Back!

After a short hiatus, Fan Fiction the Show is back and relaunched on March 1st with a Marvel Superheroes themed show. For those of you who have never been, let me try to explain what Fan Fiction the Show is: imagine a group of stand up and improv comedians dramatically reading some of the most unique fan fiction that can be found on the internet. If that sounds unbelievable, that’s because it is. The cast even goes to great pains to pronounce every spelling error in the story and even reenact key moments to add to the hilarity.


Performers included The Sushi Boys, The Weaker Vessels, and of course the Fan Fiction the Show Cast and they performed stories such as “Dear Marvel”: a collection of letters to and from Marvel Heroes. The show had many surprises including an audience member who was called on stage and wound up participating in the entire set. One of the stories went so far as to include a romantic entanglement between the Hulk and a dragon-llama. Yes, you read that right. The audience was laughing, chanting and cheering along the whole time. With the added bonus of prizes (supplied by sponsor Silver Snail Comics) for best costume and trivia, the cast kept the room enthralled all night.


Between shows you can keep up with the cast’s antics by following their twitter (@FFtheShow) and their Facebook; you not only get to keep up with the team, but share the tidbits they find online and enjoy their FanFic comics. Then make time for their next show on April 5th, it’s Battlestar Galactica themed. What the frack more could you ask for?


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