
Evil Dead: New Red Band Trailer. Share Your Scare!

We’re gonna get yooooou…

This totally made my night. A new red band trailer just hit the web for the new way-more-scary-than-funny remake of Sam Raimi’s cult classic Evil Dead. But they’ve also thrown in a nice little feature, and we TOTALLY want you to get it on it.

After you enter your age (red band, duh), there’s an option where you can record your reaction while the trailer is playing, and then share it. Personally, I totally love this kind of thing, but I don’t have a webcam (I know, bad Laura.) so I leave it up to you, readers.

Along with the spirit of the Evil Dead website, I’m not posting the video directly here, because that would be cheating. Click the link below, and have fun! We want to see your reactions…and I know some of them will be great!

DARE TO SHARE YOUR SCARE! (With us!) Or make someone else do it, and share that too! Click that link to record your reaction!

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