
The Doubleclicks Return!

Monday Night, The Doubleclicks – a sister geek band featuring cello, ukulele, cat piano (yes it meows), and guitar- had a return visit to a very packed Silver Snail.


This folk pop nerdcore band has a YouTube channel that boasts over two million views. Last year they swung by the Snail and taped part of the Geek Anthem “Nothing To Prove” before their very successful Kickstarter campaign. Its original goal was of $18,000 to finance a new album (Dimetrodon) and a series of weekly new songs and videos. Their fans thought otherwise and donated $80,923 which allowed one sister, Aubrey to quit her day job – making tours like this possible.

And why are their fans so supportive?

The songs speak to a shared experience, be it the imposter syndrome that poor Curiosity on Mars is feeling, or inferiority complex that the velociraptor felt after watching Jurassic Park; There’s an ode to the joy of Cats and Netflix and never having to go outside. They also explore various musical styles from “Lullabye for Mister Bear” to a party anthem for introverts “Ennui (On We Go)”. Watching the audience there were those singing along and those laughing out loud when they heard the clever lyrics for the first time.

Starting in their home town of Portland, they are on a seventeen day tour. They started this leg of their busy year at Rose City Comic-Con, hitting Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Ann Arbour, Toronto, Boston, North Hampton, and Brooklyn (at the Doctor Who bar, The Way Station).

So yup, I supported their kickstarter, and have bought a few of their albums.

If you missed the show, and I’ve intrigued you; then you can catch them ‘live on stream’ tonight at 8 pm EST here .

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