
Doctor Who Series 8 Teaser!

Attention fellow Whovians, I’m going to keep this short; it’s here! The first teaser for Doctor Who Series 8 has arrived and it really is a tease. In a short sixteen seconds, fans are taunted with flashes of the twelfth Doctor silhouetted against the back drop of the TARDIS’s control counsel. Now we’ve all seen the stills of Peter Capaldi in costume, and I think we can all agree that he looks every part the Doctor. But this new teaser only gives us hints and not being able to see his face while hearing the TARDIS whoosh is enough to provoke fans into a frenzy. The tease is for this August when Capaldi’s series will launch and his incarnation of the Doctor will join the saga of the Time Lord.


Now for those of you who can’t wait, a fan made trailer has emerged and it is gorgeous. YouTuube user John Smith released a beautiful one minute 17 second teaser that reveals the new Doctor and his companion emerging from the TARDIS. The TARDIS in the rain, Capaldi’s twelfth Doctor emerging and turning back to extend a hand to Clara, the whole thing evokes so many emotions. Frankly if this was a set-up to the series 8 premier, I would be on board. It sets a completely different tone from Matt Smith’s Doctor. If you haven’t already seen it, take a look.


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