
Disney Announces Plans to Release a New ‘Star Wars’ Film Every Year Starting in 2015

As promised, here I am with the latest Star Wars news!

In other words…

Alan Horn, the new Chairman of Walt Disney Pictures, took the stage at CinemaCon in Las Vegas yesterday to announce that we will see a new Star Wars film every year, every summer, beginning in 2015.

Many people have assumed incorrectly, that this means an infinite amount of films for years to come. As much as I love Star Wars, even I can admit that would be a little too aggressive…

…and come on, people, that just sounds a tad bit silly.

Here’s the official plan of action:

Beginning in 2015, Disney will release the next three episodes of Star Wars every other year (meaning we will see each episode in 2015, 2017, and 2019). In between these releases, the spin-off films will be released in 2016 and 2018. In conclusion, within the last five years of this decade, we will see a Star Wars film every summer.

Whew! We’ll practically be living in a galaxy far, far away by 2020.

While I believe this can be exciting news, I grow weary of the world becoming overloaded with too much Force Lightening and Lightsaber Battling. Also, I hope the deadlines do not interfere with the quality of each film. But despite my concerns, I have faith in Disney and the Star Wars franchise and their ability to please us fans of the galactic universe. So…all in all, I’m mega stoked!

(Via HitFix and LA Times)

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1 Comment on Disney Announces Plans to Release a New ‘Star Wars’ Film Every Year Starting in 2015

  1. It’s hard to tell the guy who owns ALL merchandising rights to SW that there is such a thing as ‘Too much of a good thing.’. I daresay George Lucas has figured out the infinite money cheat code for life.

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