
Dexter Season 8 Official Trailer

After much anticipation, Showtime has released its first official trailer for the next (and, sadly, last) season of Dexter.


I can’t even begin to imagine what suspenseful events we’ll encounter this season. I surely hope that the writers have plastic wrapped something special for us Dexter fans, considering this will be the last three months that we get to follow our Dark Passenger.

If you are like me and are completely caught up with the last seven seasons, you can probably agree with how this series has unfolded (in a nutshell):

Season 1 – Dexter vs his Brother
Season 2 – Dexter vs the FBI
Season 3 – Dexter vs his “Friend”
Season 4 – Dexter vs his Arch Nemesis
Season 5 – Dexter vs A Ring of Rapists
Season 6 – Dexter vs A Lost Angel
Season 7 – Dexter vs the Russian Mafia
Season 8 – Dexter vs Everyone

Come on, you know it’s true.

The End Begins Sunday, June 30th at 9PM EST, only on Showtime.

(via Showtime)

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