
Destiny: A New MMO-FPS From Bungie

If you think back to last year, you may remember that a bunch of details about an upcoming game from Bungie were leaked. Turns out that many of those rumors were true when you compare them to the officials details of Bungie’s new MMO style FPS game, Destiny. The game will be released for current consoles as well as next-gen consoles.

Now maybe it’s just me, but watching the official video released by Bungie was a bit torturous. Aside from my girlish fantasies of there being an actual Halo-based MMO (to further my already out of control crush on Master Chief) this game seems almost like a tease. This may be different for someone who is not a massive Halo fan, but throughout the video I continuously saw similarities between both games. This game is starting to look like an MMO version of a watered-down Halo story.

Not to dump on Bungie, they have put out great work in their time but let’s be honest here. 343 really pushed Halo 4 to where it was supposed to be, and everyone is left wondering if Halo was just a fluke on Bungie’s part or if they can make Destiny something awesome.

Considering the game is far from finished (nothing confirmed except that this will NOT be finished in 2013) there may be hope. Destiny is expected to be an intense game based on risk taking. The story looks pretty awesome (and familiar…) and the player co-operative element of being an organic MMO world are exciting for console players. This means the world will be an individual entity, changing and reacting to elements regardless of who is online. So it only makes sense when Bungie explains the game will require a constant internet connection and patience from players, as having all content completed for release is not possible, and will continue to release content post-release.

The video from Bungie shows sneak peeks at so many elements, from player-classes to concept art, even a few seconds of game-play (*cough Halo cough*). So check it out and tell us what you think of Destiny.

(Via FP Tech Desk)

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