
Delica-m: “Pretty In The Dark” – Star Trek TOS References Galore!

Toronto synth-pop group Delica-m released a video for their song “Pretty In The Dark” this past spring, and it’s been picking up quite a bit of speed. Just yesterday, it received it’s 12th award nod, being nominated for “Best Music Video” at the 2nd Annual Golden Egg Film Festival in Los Angeles.

“But wait,” you might be asking yourself, “What’s the big deal about this video?”

There are two reasons “Pretty In The Dark” is being featured here on GEEKPR0N. First…holy eff, the Star Trek: TOS references. They’re everywhere, from start to finish. Director and Delica-m lead Herman Wang gives us a low-down:

This (our ninth music video) is a big departure from the previous ones. Obviously the motivation was to pay homage to classic Trek, but in a non-obvious way. You have to really know your stuff to catch every single reference we threw in there; we wanted it to be sort of a challenge to identify the more obscure stuff. We were having some fun with it too – it’s the first time Herm’s tried dancing.


And the other?

Recognize the girl in the video?

IT’S ME! /brag

Herman asked me to star in the video back in in the Winter, and I couldn’t have been more excited. Admittedly, I wasn’t as familiar with ST:TOS as he is, but he very generously provided me with a list of scenes to watch referencing everything in the video TOS fans might notice, from the obvious to the pretty damn obscure.


Shooting was a blast (no pun intended…OR WAS IT?).

Delica-m deserve all the recognition they’ve been receiving for the video, and every bit they gain the future!

Can you find all the references? Let us know all the ones you find in the comments below!


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