
Debi does Montreal ComicCon

Rolling off the rush that was Fan Expo in Toronto, I had just enough time to recover before I was off again to Montreal for the Montreal ComicCon!

Last year was the first time I had attended the Montreal Con, having been invited to come along with a friend who was vending. WOW. It’s amazing! So much more relaxed than Fan Expo, but the list of celebrities is just as stellar!

This year I came prepared. I got to Montreal two days early in order to spend time with friends. I headed down to the Con early on Friday thinking that Media must be able to get in early. It appears they do NOT. Deluxe pass goers get in at 1pm and all other ticket holders were supposed to be let in at 3pm, but got in an hour early at 2! As I’m watching from the Media line, we STILL had to wait until 3pm. Gah…. As much as this made me incredibly angry, it was the only low point of the weekend.

Attendance was over 42,000!!! This is the highest that the Montreal Con has had to date. Lineups for photo ops were fairly long, but moved steadily and with little to no issues and included photographers who were attentive enough to wait for you to smile for your photo. Autograph lines ebbed and flowed depending on who you wanted to meet, but no one was rushed to ‘finish up quickly’ when talking to their icon.

I volunteered some time to the Doctor Who Society of Canada booth, seeing as I’m a huge Doctor Who fan and my costume was a villain from the new series.


Me as a Clockwork Droid and my lovely little companion, The Empty Child

If you have the chance to attend one Con in your life and want it to be one with a good line up of guests, I’d definitely recommend this one. Let’s hope it stays as down to earth and relaxed as it was from the beginning!

Here’s a few highlights from the weekend:


(L to R: Dalek Souffle, Dalek Emperor, Dalek Clifton, Dalek Dreadnaught)

The Daleks won Best In Show at the Masquerade!


Robot Chicken!


Frazer Hines popped by the DWSC booth and graciously signed the TARDIS!


Also, The Stig (Top Gear) got to pop into Dalek Clifton and see what the driver’s seat looks like.


The Toxic Avenger actually drove Dalek Dreadnaught around the Con. He loved it! I walked around with the daleks in costume. It wasn’t until we all made it back to the DWSC booth that Toxie and I got to see each other’s real faces!


The Ghostbuster guys have been in attendance more and more at the Cons lately, this time they brought Ecto-1!


Tahmoh Penikett signing a Darkly Designed pouch for charity. Most items that Tahmoh receives he likes to sign and donate to charity.


Welp, it’s Felicia Day. A photo op. With me. Yup. ‘Nuff said.

Lastly, this guy was the highlight of the whole weekend. Ace Ventura for the win!!! He was very rarely out of character and quite cute! 😉

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