
Debi Does Doctor Who

Day 3 of Fan Expo, which is traditionally the busiest day, for Doctor Who fans, was exceptionally hectic.  As most of you know, this year Doctor Who turns 50 and Fan Expo was Whovian central when it came to fans getting ready for the big day.

Noteworthy was a special private get together for “Daleks only” to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for largest gathering of Daleks, hosted by Doctor #6, Colin Baker. The previous record was held in Leicester, England at a number of 95. Toronto beat that with a new unofficial record to beat of 156!

Doctor Who World Record with Colin Baker

Whovians then lined up for over an hour to take part in a Q&A with authors Graeme Burk and Robert Smith? of “Who’s 50”, a retrospective book looking back at the past 50 years of Doctor Who, including a list of the top 50 stories of Who past and present that are must-see for fans of any level of fandom. It was nice to hear banter back and forth between Whovians in a closed setting. There was talk of what would happen if the Doctor had actually been regenerated as a Ginger or a female and our collective thoughts on how Peter Capaldi will do in his role as Doctor #12. If you’d like to meet the authors of Who’s 50, they’ll be at Reverse Polarity this November. Their booth will be directly across from the Daleks, so they should be hard to miss..

To end the day there was an unscheduled Doctor Who photo op in the main lobby. It was fantastic to see all the costumes together in one place! My Clockwork Droid was a big hit and the only one that was there!

Clockwork Droid

A few people did some new unique costumes like a couple of nurses from ‘The Empty Child’ episode. I also had a few discussions about costuming including how much some of them spend to have exact replicas of their favourite pieces. Since I make all of my costumes, this came as a bit of a surprise since I would just do it myself, but I have to remember that everyone doesn’t trust themselves to be crafty enough to do it themselves. 😉

Doctor Who Gathing
It was also a welcome surprise to see that my Clockwork Droid costume had made it into the Toronto Sun.

Toronto Sun


*All photography copyright John Keigher Photography except Toronto Sun photo.

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