
A Dazzler Music Video Premieres!

Now this takes cosplay to a completely new level! Director Arvin Bautista and  singer/actress Gentry Roth have collaborated on an amazingly faithful adaptation of the disco/rock/punk superstar/X-Man Dazzler aka Alison Blaire.

I always thought I was the biggest Dazzler fangirl, able to recite the minutiae of every one of her appearances (and the entire storyline of her original series) without pause, but I bow down before the masters. This music video has it all, daddy issues, alien boyfriends with mullets, rollerskates, headbands, mutant superpowers, and an original song to boot. Sadly, there are no silver lame spandex bodysuits with disco ball necklaces and blue facepaint but you can’t have everything.

You can follow their further projects at

As Dazzler would say, go load up The Sight and the Sound and GO FOR IT!

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