
David Eick on the Genesis of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome

Many of us have been pulling our hair out over the parceling out of the newest addition to the Battlestar Galactica ‘verse into short installments on the web. It’s frustrating only receiving little bits of a story that we’ve all been waiting what seems like forever for.

For us folks who may be feeling like the web release our beloved BSG prequel is a kind of rejection,  Blood & Chrome producer David Eick was prepared to set  the record straight in a recent conference call promoting the series. Eick explains from the inception of the series the intention was for it to be designed to be web-based in some way.  Blood & Chrome is actually getting a more deliberate treatment beyond a television release getting special attention as a multi-step introduction.

In a world where entertainment is increasingly moving towards web based formats having the Battlestar Galactica prequel isn’t so shocking, especially when SyFy has outlined plans to bring the series to other formats including airing on television and a home video release. Eick’s statement also gives us hope that this 10-part series won’t be the end of the line for Blood & Chrome.

Its future may be online, may be on air, maybe DVD in terms of subsequent future episodes or stories—who knows? But it was never any kind of rejection or failure that this didn’t wind up as another Syfy pilot. It was always designed to be something much more unique and special than that, and I’m thrilled that it’s finally reached its distribution and it’s going to be seen by the people it was intended for.

Eick continued to explain that Blood & Chrome was designed as a ten part serial. Each installment is meant to serve as a self contained section of a whole. He views the dynamic suited to the military nature of the story mirroring the nature of a military mission, each whole mission is made up of parts with beginning middles and ends.

(via SciFi Bulletin)

Web, TV, straight to DVD, whatever platform, I’m still left wondering what took so frakking long!?!

All that being said, are you more willing to watch the new series weekly or will you be waiting until all the episodes are available before you give it a go?

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