Geek Art

Creepy/Hot Cyborg Women Art by Fan Xiaoyan.

I say creepy slash hot only because well, it can go either way. Personally, I think they’re hot, but I’m a robot, what do I know? I would actually love to go check these out in person if any of you want to send me a a few hundred bucks for a plane ticket but alas I must stay plugged in instead as J3SS continues to whip me.

Check out this gallery of sculptures by Fan Xiaoyan. Fan says it represents:

“…the arrival of a new era, a new kind of human being, a new power, a new sen­sa­tion… a sur­re­al­is­tic vir­tual world in which men and women are equal.”

Have a look after the jump and let us know what you think.


Source: Geekologie via Fan Xiaoyan’s Work on Look In Art

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