
COSPLAY: Interview with Akuriko

Akuriko of Madison, WI has been cosplaying and crafting her own costumes for seven years. She has a passion for all things Zelda which has led her to bring many of its characters to life.

Q: You are a big Zelda fan. What draws you to make so many cosplays from this series?
A: It’s really nothing that’s too complicated. I just really love the Zelda series, and Princess Zelda’s been a favorite character of mine almost my whole life. I just always wanted to dress as her, and I really love the designs they’ve come up for her costumes throughout the years.

Q: If you were a superhero what would your name and superpower be?
A: This is something I don’t often think about… But I suppose super strength would be a cool super power to have lol. I could be called… The Akurinator hahaha.

Q: Which convention(s) do you normally attend?
A: You can typically find me at Acen (Chicago), and Youmacon (Detroit). I attend other cons throughout the year, but they tend to be sporadic and I’m not really a regular attendee.

Q: You have a free ticket to fly to any convention in the world; Where do you go? Why?
A: This is kind of a difficult question. I suppose I would go to PAX because I’ve never been there before, and I think I’d need to go at least once in my lifetime hehe.

Q: What is your favourite material to work with? Least favourite?
A: My favorite materials to work with are heavy bridal satins, rayons, silks, Super Sculpey and resin.
My least favorite are rubber-coated fabrics, spandex, sometimes leather, and Gesso (I mostly just hate sanding it lol). Making molds is also something I don’t always look forward to.


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Photos credits in order of gallery: Genia Baida, Arielle Somberg, Doug Fullerton, Arielle Somberg, and Leonard Lee

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