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Community Fan Art: Community/Justice League Mashup

Just in time for the season 4 premiere we’ve got a new Community mash-up!

From the talented Ben Deguzman who brought us other Community fan art including “Abed is Batman NowPosion’d Britta and Annie Quinn, “Dungeons & Dragons & It Was Advanced, and Streets Ahead: The Community/Street Fighter Mash-Up comes a brand new mash-up featuring the cast of Community as Justice League characters!

Something I really love about these mash-ups is that the idea of casting these characters in other roles is so true to the spirit of the show. The study group is constantly trying on new roles and masks both abstractly as they figure out their lives, and often quite literally as they playing out stories and tropes from pop culture. On that note, enjoy “Community Justice”!


 Deguzman on character choices (via kinjamin):

Chang as the Martian Manhunter – Honestly, the only reason I made him J’onn is so I can name him Ch’ang Ch’angzz the Martian Changhunter
Shirley as Hawkgirl – Or, more appropriately, Shirleyra Hol. I really wanted her to be something fierce and war-like. Hawkgirl is perfect for that (particularly to those who followed the animated series) Part of me wanted to go the New 52 route and deck her out with all the ridiculous armor Hawkman currently wears. But alas, consistency won out.
Jeff as Superman – Just to show the world I don’t hate Jeff. Because I really don’t. But previously he’s always been the secondary hero (he was Harvey Dent and Guile) – and that’s only an artifact of the fact Troy and Abed rule the land of imagination. that being said, something would of felt amiss if I didn’t cast the primary alpha male of the show as the primary alpha male of the JLA
Troy as Green Lantern – Speaking of imagination, Troy is second only to Abed.. and therefore was a shoe-in for Green Lantern. And having him conjure up plumber tools? Couldn’t resist. I’d like to note I do try not to race cast characters, as Troy is essentially taking the role of the Green Lantern John Stewart.. but it happened to fall into place.

(from left to right, bottom row)
Pierce as Aquaman – Interestingly enough, I actually wanted to put Britta in the Aquaman role, since he’s considered ‘the worst’ of the Justice League. And I would of had her trying to talk to a fish in a bowl, and the fish would be replying back “you are the worst!” — However, adding word balloons and having to convey that kind of exposition disrupts the whole pin-up feel of the image. In any case, Pierce makes an excellent Arthur Curry. Or rather, he fittingly makes the most awful kind of Aquaman as is evident in his actions in this piece.
Britta as Black Canary – So I had the lyrics to her Christmas song from the episode “Regional Holiday Music” spiraling around her to emulate Dinah’s canary cry. But it kind of made Britta too much of a focal point, so I regrettably got rid of it. People familiar with that episode will recognize Britta’s pose here.
Annie as Wonder Woman – Annie being the third able to maneuver the Dreamatorium of course gets the primary lead female role. And she fills the costume out nicely, too.
Abed as Batman – I mean, really.. was there any question?
Dean as the Flash – So I wanted to avoid doing the ‘Dean in drag’ bit again. The dean is also notorious for taking some costume that’s typically butch, and completely feminizing it. (Is that a real word?) In any case, the Flash was a perfect candidate for that. In addition, I really envision him changing into different costumes anyway at light speeds.

Community returns tonight at 8pm with “The Hunger Deans” on NBC and City! Watch a sneak peek from the episode now!

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