
Bye Bye G4 TV. So long and thanks for all the fish.

The announcement is out. NBC Universal is changing G4 TV’s format and possibly it’s name, to be more male-centric and more GQ for the “modern male”. Looks like we’re going to see this all go down by the end of 2013.


This actually doesn’t surprise me, although it does sadden me a lot. The last couple of years we’ve seen a degradation in programming choices, to the point where we barely even watch the channel anymore. What started off as our favorite fun yet intelligent channel featuring all things gaming, internet culture, and technology is turning into what seems to be yet another SpikeTV – reruns of Cops, The Man Show and bad reality shows that have nothing to do with our demographic (Cheaters? really? Most of us nerds can’t even score, let alone cheat! Ok, well at least I can’t).

According to NBC Universal they want to reshape the channel to keep its tech roots but gear it towards a more “modern male” audience (yeah with shows like Cops? C’mon guys).

Is this what we really need these days? Yet ANOTHER male-centric channel with brainless shows? It’s this kind of crap that really burns my ass. What happened to progressive thinking and programming for the intelligent masses? When are these companies going to learn that they are further adding to the fueling of gender stereotyping in gaming and technology?

With TechTV they had X-Play featuring Adam Sessler and one of our heroes, Morgan Webb – one of the top women in gaming culture. They really had something there, and really had us hooked. Back then G4/Tech TV were one of the only channels with strong female hosts in our industry. Even Attack of the Show had Olivia Munn, who definitely held her own against Kevin, Hardwick and Adam with her witty comebacks and geek knowledge. Sure, some may argue that she was simply pandering to nerds, but she did open up the doors for a lot of women in geek/gaming culture due to her strong presence. But now, even their male hosts are leaving, such as the recent departure of Adam Sessler and the announcement that Kevin Pereira is leaving to pursue other opportunities.

Kinda makes you think – if their staff and hosts are jumping ship, maybe we should too in search for a channel that believes in equality in the gaming/tech world. Personally, I’ll stick to Scott C Jones and Victor Lucas from Electric Playground and Reviews on the Run here in Canada.

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2 Comments on Bye Bye G4 TV. So long and thanks for all the fish.

  1. Someone needs to start a petition and try to get them to change their minds. The whole idea is idiotic. Isn’t SpikeTV enough for the low-IQ male demographic? I was already upset to see things like Cops and other trash on G4, now this? Geeks need a channel, and a lot of geeks are women! If someone does start a petition, let me know, I and all my male and female geek friends will sign it!

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