
But Bryan Cranston IS Lex Luthor, Right?

With the internet finally settling down to some degree since the recent casting of Ben Affleck as the Caped Crusader, other (still unofficial) news regarding the Man of Steel sequel should be a little more satisfying.

It has been reported that Breaking Bad star, Bryan Cranston, is set to play none other than Lex Luthor in, not just one, but at least six films. Unfortunately, this has not become an official announcement as of yet, but I’ll admit that the possible casting may just restore my faith in this new installment.

Lex Luthor, unlike superheroes such as Batman, has been portrayed very well in the past. We’ve seen the quirkier side of Luthor in the original Superman films (Gene Hackman) as well as his darker side in Smallville (Michael Rosenbaum). Kevin Spacey, in my opinion, captured both sides of the villain in Superman Returns.

With Zack Snyder’s films giving a grittier, edgier feel to the origins, I imagine this version of Lex to be all that is considered a mega-villain: evil, manipulative, intimidating, and…did I say evil? Bryan Cranston has proven to us that he can meet and exceed those expectations. We got a first taste of Cranston as a “bad guy” in the remake of Total Recall, but it wasn’t until Breaking Bad that we got to see his true potential.

In other words, he is incredibly good at being bad…

…and bald.

If you guys have read my previous blogs, you know how much I adore gifs. Well, get ready, because they are about to convince you that Bryan Cranston IS the Lex Luthor you’re looking for. *waves hand across computer screen(


Potential Evil Ruler of the World right here.

That look, though.

And, of course, I saved the best for last:


As a bonus I’ve included a super awesome fan-made trailer. Even just teasing the idea of Bryan as Lex gives me chills!

What is your opinion on this potential casting?

(via Rolling Stone)

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