
Bill Nye vs Creation Museum Founder: The Best Debate Ever.

Everyone’s favourite break from doing actual work in science class is leveling up nest month. Bill Nye (The Science Guy, obv.) is heading to Kentucky to the Creation Museum (yes, that’s a thing if you didn’t know) on February 4th to debate Ken Ham, founder. The debate topic, you ask? Creationism vs Evolution!

Dun dun duuuuuuunn.


Remember that video Bill Nye posted on YouTube a few years ago about how Creationism was basically garbage and shouldn’t be taught in schools, and that this generation of children are far more important than we realize so we need to teach them about REAL THINGS like evolution and science?

Pretty great, right? Well, the Creation Museum made their own video response…

So the earth is only 6000 years old, huh…sigh.


If you happen to live in the area and want to buy tickets, get ’em here. If the debate is livestreamed or recorded, I’ll be sure to get it up on the site.

Also, as a bonus, because I’m awesome, here’s every episode ever of Bill Bye The Science Guy. Enjoy.

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