
The Bent Bullet: Viral Video Pins JFK’s Death On Magneto

The Bent Bullet is a documentary style film which presents evidence in which Erik Lensherr, a.k.a. Magneto,  was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This triggered more tension between mutants and humans, causing and uproar on both sides. The conspiracy follows the notion that there was a literal bent bullet involved in the assassination, which, of course, cannot be done in our natural world


(This is actually an ad for X-Men:Days Of Future Past if you didn’t pick that up already.)

Viewers are encouraged to visit for more information. The website  deeply immerses mutants into our world, and honestly, it’s REALLY well done.

I’m really getting a kick out of these videos the marketing team have come up with. The last one, Trask Industries, gave us a future-positive, family-friendly at the Sentinels (hee hee).

X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theatres May 23, 2014.

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