
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome Finally Gets a Premiere Date

It’s about frakkin’ time! Syfy announced today that the highly anticipated Battlestar Galactica prequel Blood & Chrome will premiere on Machinima as a 10-part web series on November 9th!!!

In addition, Syfy will be airing a 2-hour TV movie version of Blood & Chrome in early 2013 followed by an unrated home release version all within a few months.

Story-wise, the webisodes will follow young William Adama (Luke Pasqualino) during the first Cylon war. Young Adama will serve on the top-of-the-line (at the time) Battlestar Galactica, where he butts head with his co-pilot officer Coker (Ben Cotton).

Syfy had remained tight-lipped on the whens, whats and hows of the series since previewing footage at WonderCon in March so news that this series will actually be seeing the warm glow of our computer monitors, then TV screens, is causing a whole lot of excitement here at G33KHQ! Not to mention that I’m especially partial to Luke Pasqualino and am totally psyched to see him take on this iconic role.

My internet is currently frakked and isn’t letting me view any videos, so I sent the trailer to our G33KBOT for analysis and this is what we got back “holy shit this is epic! I’ve got chills. The action sequences look more intense than the parent series, and it’s awesome to see the human forces at full strength”.

What do you think of the trailer? What do you think of the unique multi-tiered model of releasing the series on web/tv and home video?

I know I’ll be tuned into Blood & Chrome on Friday, will you be watching with me?

Via Blastr

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