Geek Girls

Awesome Nerd Accessories

It’s sometimes hard to find the right accoutrement for your best geek outfit.  You want something that is subtle, but still says where on the nerd spectrum you lie.  Subtle geek is the new thing with nerd accessories, and it’s getting harder to find a good source these days.  Let’s meet Cirkle K.

Cirkle K is a collective of nerd artisans who love everything pop cult, comics books, and anything else you can think of.  It’s a combination of creative minds, willed perseverance, and a lot of patience.  Gracie Klutz, Svetlana Konswallow, Kensie Vicious, and Brook Alviano have a great collection of nerd accessories for men and women.

Want a subtle way to show off your allegiance, how about a rebel alliance bow tie?  Let’s not forget the indie undies; if you miss your underoos, then this will be right up your alley.  Need a stylish way to keep all your things contained, what about a Dr. Who Van Gogh exploding TARDIS bag?

It won’t be bigger on the inside.

Take some time to head over to the Cirkle K Facebook page and check out their latest creations and adventures.  If you want to see what their schedule looks like, or make some inquiries about their items (oh yes, they do custom orders,) visit their site: Cirkle K.

If you’re attending the Niagara Falls Comic Con this weekend, they will be at booth 315.  Stop by, say hi, and check out their plethora of nerd accessories.

Waves hand

These are the nerd things you are looking for.


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