Geek Girls

Awesome Maleficent Cosplay with Vudu Juju and Paul Hillier

When Paul mentioned his Maleficent cosplay photoshoot idea I immediately asked if we could post it on the site being the fanbot that I am. Why? Well, I’m a huge fan of Paul’s work and it just happens to feature one of our fav local cosplayers, Vudu Juju!  Plus Maleficent opens in theatres tomorrow, so what better time than now to check out some amazing cosplay!

Be sure to check out Paul’s site for his two part blog on his photography approach, how-to, tips and more.

Model: Vudu Juju
Costume/MUA: Marika of Kink Engineering
Photography: Paul Hillier

Maleficent cosplay


Check out some behind the scenes of what goes on to produce this awesome shot!

Diagram of how they pulled off the shot. I knew I wanted to look like the light source was coming from her staff and that we wanted her lording over the lake (This is called motivating the incident in cinema)  so... Marika selflessly sacrificed her dry feet to the photos gods that day.

Diagram of how they pulled off the shot. I knew I wanted to look like the light source was coming from her staff and that we wanted her lording over the lake (This is called motivating the incident in cinema) so… Marika selflessly sacrificed her dry feet to the photos gods that day.


Inflated horns are surprisingly difficult to fit in a car.

Inflated horns are surprisingly difficult to fit in a car.

Maleficent Makeup

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