
Arrested Development is coming back…and in other news…

ArresArrested Development Bluth Family Reunion on Stageted Development is coming back, or so they say. After years of false promises, sneaky hints then denials, it was announced at “Arrested Development: A Bluth Family Reunion” in New York, that loyal fans will get a 10 episode mini-series followed by an Arrested Development feature film. Can’t blame a girl for being cynical, I’ll believe it when I see it on my screen…or at least some set pictures from production that is said to occur next summer.

Vulture managed to bring back some other trivia and tidbits from the front lines of the family reunion:

Hurwitz on the Bluth family’s religion:

 “It started with a really gentile vibe to it, but then it just got more and more Jewish”

On growing up on set:

There was no Full House–style tiptoeing around the fact that the two youngest Arrested Development co-stars — Shawkat and Cera — went through puberty during the show’s run. “Can I tell the erection story?” blurted Hurwitz. In a scene with the family in a crowded car, Cross’s Tobias was supposed to tell his daughter, “Okay, we are just about ass-to-ankles back here, Maeby. Do you want to hop on your cousin’s lap there, please?” George-Michael (Cera) of course had a long-standing crush on her, but Cera was confused as to why he was supposed to be so terrified at the prospect of this reshuffling. Hurwitz had to explain that there was engorgement at play. (This education must have saved Cera some embarrassment when he arrived at the Superbad set.)

Creating the characters of Buster, Lindsay and Gob:

Hurwitz also helped his older actors clarify their points of view. With one sentence — “All Buster wants is safety.” — Hale received all the direction he would ever require to trigger Buster’s paranoia. And if de Rossi started to doubt the physical comic choices she made with Lindsay Bluth, she reassured herself with a less-than-Zen mantra: “As long as I’m completely self-absorbed, I’ll be fine.” And Arnett said, “I never thought of Gob as a jerk, just way out of touch with reality. I always thought Gob’s main objective was that he wanted the love of his brother and his dad — he knew he would never get it from his mother.”

Other trivia tidbits include knowing where to pause the DVDs to find jokes on the refrigerator, that Tobias was never meant to have a mustache, something that Cross fought for, and that Tambor was meant to only be on set for one day.

And never, ever, forget the chicken dance:

(Source: Vulture)

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