The Mountain: God Wants Us To Own These Shirts.
Whilst internetting just now around my favourite forum on Something Awful, I came a across a youtube video called “Where Is My Puppy Shirt?”. A guy ordered a t-shirt online, and there was some sort of trouble with delivery, and he was less than pleased about it. Check it out here:
Upon further reading, it was discovered his shirt arrived! all was well.
“Such a shirt!”, the forums exclaimed with vigor. “Where can one be acquired?” We had to know.
That’s when the most wonderful thing happened…the link was posted.
Jaws dropped.
Angels trumpeted.
Ladies, gentlemen, cylons…I give you The Mountain.
Pfft…a clothing shop on Amazon? That’s it?
This is no mere clothing shop, haters! For The Mountain is responsible for not only the Puppy T-Shirt, but the infamous Three Wolf Moon!
That might not be enough to convince some of you, so here comes a collage of veritable awesomeness. These are just SOME of the shirts available:
There are over 1000 designs. OVER A THOUSAND.
I am so beyond happy that this is a thing.
…the hell are you waiting for? BUY SHIRTS. (I’ll take the monkey and the T-Rex, please.)