
Release Date for BBC America’s The Real History of Science Fiction

BBC America has a gift for science fiction fans; starting April 19th they will air a four-part documentary series called The Real History of Science Fiction. The series will examine the cultural impact of science fiction and give fans an inside look at some of their favourite and most iconic franchises. But the news gets even better! Not only is the series narrated by Mark Gatiss but the list of celebrities who will weigh in will make your head spin!

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Baker and Daniels on set

The Real History of Science Fiction will feature interviews with genre favourites such as; William Shatner, Nathan Fillion, Zoe Saldana, Steven Moffat, Richard Dreyfuss, Neil Gaiman, Ursala K Le Guin, David Tennant and many, many more. The episodes will be titled Robots, Space, Invasion, and Time and they will showcase anecdotes from some of the most beloved science franchises of all time. You can look forward to tales of how Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels worked on Star Wars, and Edward James Olmos revealing the meaning of the language he created for Blade Runner. BBC America has already posted synopsis for all four episodes on their site along with a photo gallery and a trailer, so you can visit for more information or to tease yourself as you wait for April 19th.

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