
‘Heroes Reborn’ Is Coming in 2015.


You read that title correctly. NBC’s love-it-or-hate-it sci-fi series Heroes is being brought back to life as a 13 episode series as Heroes Reborn in 2015

In 2006 when the series launched, it was a huge success. Sadly, though, the sparkle quickly faded and the show was eventually cancelled at the end of it’s 4th season.

Despite the dwindling storyline, certain characters left a lasting mark, and were definitely missed. Yes, I’m talking about Sylar and Hiro. No one else matters. Shh. Well… maybe HRG. And Peter, because he was a total babe with his angst and crooked smirk. But that’s it.

As a whole, the show gave us as much of a realistic look as possible about what having actual super powers could be like…and it was really well done, until…well, it started to really suck.


NBC Entertainment president Jennifer Salke had this to say about the revival:

The enormous impact Heroes had on the television landscape when it first launched in 2006 was eye-opening. Shows with that kind of resonance don’t come around often and we thought it was time for another installment. We’re thrilled that visionary creator Tim Kring was as excited about jumping back into this show as we were and we look forward to all the new textures and layers Tim plans to add to his original concept. Until we get closer to air in 2015, the show will be appropriately shrouded in secrecy, but we won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in.

Many people might be on the fence about Tim Kring being back in charge, but I have faith. The first season of Heroes was by far the strongest, so hopefully Heroes Reborn, along with an entirely new cast, gives us that same “holy heck this is the best show EVER where has it been all my life I want superpowers even more than I did before” vibe with the limited run we’re getting.



Did you watch Heroes? More importantly, did you make it through the entire series? Or did you throw in the towel when the plotlines got bonkers in the bad way?

Do you miss Sylar too? We need more Sylar. Everyone needs more Sylar.

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3 Comments on ‘Heroes Reborn’ Is Coming in 2015.

  1. rodriguez247

    I threw in the towel halfway through season 3, at around the same time that the station threw it. I too miss Sylar, Hiro the cheerleader… Heck I started watching Nashville just because she’s on that show. Yeah maybe Peter… there were so many questions unanswered!

  2. Trinkadink

    I watched it to the very last minute. Gotta be fair though, the series starting to suck was majorly due to the writer’s strike at that time.

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