
“Full Steam Ahead” J.J. Abrams Says Star Wars: Episode VII Script is Complete

After much discretion, Director J.J. Abrams has announced that the Star Wars: Episode VII script is officially complete and ready to begin production.


“We’re working really hard and we’ve got our script and we’re in deep prep,” Abrams told The Wrap. “Full steam ahead.”

With Star Wars: Episode VII set to begin production this year, many have expressed concern over the lack of details regarding the film. This has also made room for a great deal of rumors to fly around, which does not seem to bother Abrams. “There’ve been so many of them. It’s amazing to see how many there are. But it’s sweet because it shows that there’s an interest in this movie that we all obviously know is there. But it is an incredible thing to see how many crazy things get thrown out that people often then write commentaries about. How happy they are, how disappointed they are about something that is completely false. It’s a lot of noise, frankly.”

In other words, I believe he finds your lack of faith disturbing.

Abrams also addressed whether Episode VII would be making its way to IMAX. “In the right situation I would,” he said. “The problem with IMAX is it’s a very loud camera. It’s a very unreliable camera. Only so much film can be in the camera. You can’t really do intimate scenes with it. It’s slow. They break down often. Having said that, they’re working on digital versions of these and so there may be a version one day. But we’re going to be shooting this next movie on film.”

Star Wars: Episode VII is set to release December 18, 2015.

(via Entertainment Weekly)

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