
Behind the Lens with The Doctor

BBC keeps on giving this season!

If you’ve watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor, then now’s the time to catch “Behind the Lens” an almost thirteen minute extravaganza as stuffed with spoilers as most Christmas turkeys. So if you haven’t watched the Special yet, please stop reading.

No really I mean it! Stop reading!

This video goes to the set of Christmas, the town where the Doctor takes a stand by fixing toys and forcing a stalemate between the Time Lords and all his enemies. The reason it’s all his enemies is because Moffat says that he wanted “it to be a grandstanding battle”, which of course leads to a montage of Cybermen, Daleks, and the Silence. Speaking of enemies, they spend a few minutes on the low-tech cyber(wo)man. There’s an interview with Orla Brady who plays Tasha Lem, Mother Superious of the Church of the Papal Mainframe. She talks about her character’s interactions with the Doctor and how she felt to be invited to be a part of Doctor Who.

The Doctor is never complete without his companion, and during the Special we met Clara’s parents and her gran. In this show, we also learn a bit more about Clara’s family dynamics, and those actors’ previous interactions with Doctor Who. Of course, the Doctor spends years without Clara in the episode, so we get to talk with Jack Hollington who plays young Barnable.

Nothing says Doctor Who like explosions, and they interview Danny Hargreaves, whose title is “Provider of Chaos and & Mayhem.” (Isn’t that a fabulous title?)

Of course, there is time spent on the good-byes between the characters and those on set and the four years of the Moffat/Smith era. Moffat discusses the act of regeneration, with a inter-spliced clips of the table read and the episode. And then it’s time to say farewell. *Hands everyone tissues*

Good-bye Matt Smith – and the countdown begins to the beginning of the Peter Capaldi Doctor.

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