
Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is FINALLY Here!


Feast your eyes on the first exclusive full-length trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2…and make sure you’re still breathing by the end of it. There are so many goodies in this 2 1/2 minute trailer, you may just have to watch it more than once…or three times, like me (and counting).

Here are just a few things to look out for:

Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn:
There have been various rumors regarding just how much will be seen of Norman Osborn, let alone who will be playing him. While  we have been given the idea of Chris Cooper portraying the head of Oscorp, there has been speculation of Norman being dropped from the film completely. We happen to see just a two second glimpse of Cooper as Norman, who appears to be on his deathbed.

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Bad Guy Central:
Not only are we introduced to THREE new villains (Electro, Rhino, and the Green Goblin), but there are hints of various things to come:


such as this…

And, last but not least, the New-and-Improved Spidey Suit:

We’ve been fortunate enough to be given still shots of the suit, but we’re finally able to see the new suit in action.


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It’s just beautiful.

Is there anything in particular that caught your attention in this trailer? Leave your comments/observations/concerns/etc below!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2, 2014.

(via YouTube)

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2 Comments on Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is FINALLY Here!

  1. Mike

    I think it will play out perfectly. There was nothing wrong with having too many villains. As long as the story makes sense, we’re safe. Rhino has always had a small part in Spider-man. Even Mark Webb said his role was nothing huge. Norman is a give-away since he is running the show. He may have a larger role at the end and in the next movie after this. Electro will be the main villain and even in an interview Mark Webb addressed these concerns. Lets see how this plays out. 🙂

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