
Beware The Name Of The Doctor!

Caution!  Spoilers Ahead!

We’re a few short days away from the finale of Doctor Who’s 7th series and Whovians of all kinds are eagerly anticipating the revelations that have been promised.  However, thanks to a snafu in the shipping department at the BBC, some fans already know the answers to some of this season’s pressing questions, such as “Who is the impossible girl?”

With reports flying out on tumblr and several news sites, The BBC confirmed that the dvd set of the second half of series seven was shipped a week early.

Of course once news of the leak hit the web, torrent sites light up like an exploding Tardis with supposed copies of the finale.  However tech blog Naked Security has revealed that those episodes you’re seeing aren’t the real deal.  In fact, they actually contain some pretty nasty malware and should be avoided at all costs.

As Microsoft reported in October, downloads of pirated movies, music, software and other media increasingly come bearing malware.  Beyond malware, scammers have recently exploited Doctor Who’s worldwide popularity by, for example, exploiting Doctor Who girl Jenna-Louise Coleman’s name for Twitter sex video clickjacking.

Then too there was the Rogue Cyberman fraud, which tried to get credit card data in exchange, theoretically, for the phone number of a sexy Doctor Who fan.  So just sit tight until Saturday, to keep from both getting infected by malware and ruining the surprise.

The BBC has also jumped into the fray and has promised a brand new video featuring Doctors Ten and Eleven, provided the spoilers stay in The Pandorica.

So be cautious this week online, as you never know when some spoilsport will blab about the finale before you get a chance to see it this weekend!

And remember to check back in with GEEKPR0N this weekend for more coverage of the Doctor Who finale, as well as news on the upcoming 50th Anniversary Special.

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