Stop Motion: Classic X-MEN intro
Recently, I tried watching the old animated X-MEN because I remember being quite obsessed with it as a child. But, like most things from my childhood, it wasn’t good, like, at all.
Kids have no concept of what’s “good’ because everything is amazballs when you’re 6. If you’re thinking it’s a good idea to re-watch the shows you loved as a wee little youth, you would be dead wrong. All you’re are going to do is ruin what vague memories you still have and feel like an asshole for making your parents sit through that crap over and over and over again.
But, from the sea of terrible TV there is awesome on the horizon. Reckless Abandonment Pictures, Kyle Roberts dedicated 2 months of his life to re-create, frame by frame, the entire intro of the 1992 classic X-MEN cartoon. As much as the show sucked, this totally makes up for it.
SOURCE: Buzzfeed