
How Nintendo boosted the video game industry

Nintendo has long pioneered new concepts in the video game world and as many might argue – and is far from dead. From the now default multi-tap controller types, the N64’s 3D-world gaming, analog stick, and 4-player mode (now near obsolete thanks to online gaming), Gamecube’s introduction of trophies and console DLC’s (which many wrongly credit Sony for), introducing the world to motion-control gaming with the innovate Wii that changed gaming forever to innovating/dominating the handheld gaming market with the Gameboy. Nintendo has truly helped shape the gaming industry to where it is today and continues to push the boundaries of human/game interaction with products such as the upcoming Wii U.

It’s gone as far as becoming a pop culture phenomenon with its characters influencing fashion, tattoos, movies and tv shows.

Here’s a neat infographic highlighting and illustrating just how Nintendo became a massive player in the video game industry and the numbers behind their success.



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