3D Realistic Space Invader
Hey look! It’s our fav lil space invader! Only this time he’s not so cute. No, not at all. Actually it’s f’n terrifying. Can you imagine row upon row upon row of these scary sonsofbitches slowly coming down on you? I’d happily shoot them all in their gross little faces.
This beauty was done by Tom Carruthers, a senior character artist from the UK, probably as a result of too much Strongbow or Fullers or whatever the hell else they drink in England. How else would he have REALLY broken his wrist.
My version of one of the first video game villains, taking the 1978 Space Invaders pixel art and “filling in the blanks”. Fun fact: I modelled him partly with my feet. I broke my left wrist halfway through making him, so instead of pressing CTRL, SHIFT and ALT on the keyboard to navigate in ZBrush, I used foot pedals instead.
Awesome pic below.
Source: Obvious Winner
This is horrifying.