Flying Humans Spotted Over NYC
OK, this is fuckin’ cool. I hate admitting that because this marketing stunt was created by Fox for some superhero movie called Chronicle they’ll be sure to ruin. So, coolness aside, the first thing that comes to mind is, WTF were they thinking?
The average Joe tends to be pretty gullible so, imagine this; Shitdriver McRoadRage is driving home during rush hour like thousands of other New Yorkers. He’s cruising down the street when something in the sky catches his eye. Not a bird, not a plane, not Superman but THREE super men. As his mind tries to process what he’s seeing, he runs a red and gets smoked by a bus. But don’t worry, that guy was a dick.
I’m really glad this didn’t happen in Toronto. While that may have sounded like an extreme scenario, this kind of shit happens all the time for stupider reasons. I live in a city where something like, 17 pedestrians were hit by oncoming traffic in as many days because they were texting. People get into accidents because billboards are too racy. Now some genius at Fox gives the OK to market their new movie with flying R/C humans? “It’ll be fiiiine.”
SOURCE: Geekologie