
Beating Megaman II to a live soundtrack.

So, there are a few feats of amazingness going on here. First, some guy beats Megaman II in one sitting. In 32 minutes. To a live band. Playing the entire soundtrack. For 44 minutes straight. I dunno about you but, HOLY SHIT! 

Since I know there is no way you’re gonna sit through 44 minutes of video, you should at least skip to the end to see the guy beat the game and to give imaginary props to Bit Brigade. Playing for almost an hour without stopping is a helluva-lot harder than beating Mega man II.

This isn’t the first time Bit Brigade has pulled this off , either.

When Bit Brigade rolls into town, the gamer elite hang up the controller for the evening and see a rock show. With unprecedented attention to detail and post-rock bombast, Bit Brigade meticulously replicates every musical cue, cutscene and boss battle in perfect syncronization with master gamer Noah McCarthy’s inspiring speed-trial run of each level. Composed of members of roadwarrior (both stateside and abroad) mathrock bands Cinemechanica and We Versus The Shark, Bit Brigade elevates game music to its proper place in the foreground of epic technical rock and plays the games like they don’t need the extra lives. Which, for the record, they don’t.

SOURCE: Obvious Winner

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