Custom Mass Effect Monopoly
OK, I’m totally down for some Mass Effect Monopoly and, in theory, all these special edition Monoply games are kinda cool. Until you actually buy it. I’m aware that this particular version is fan-made by deviant artist, TommyFilth and not actually for sale but, for the sake of this post lets pretend it is for a moment.
First, you justify the purchase by thinking I’m TOTALLY gonna play this. It’s Star Wars/Mass Effect/Star Trek/ Monopoly! You get it home and rip off the plastic with every intention to play. It’s only when you start setting up you realize; This is a HUGE pain in the ass. Especially when you can jump on the computer and have everything done for you. Which is exactly what I did.
Mass Effect Monopoly gallery after the jump.
It’s also a bit of a design fail. BoardGameGeek and ex-Wallstreeter, Derk Solko explains:
Monopoly has you grinding your opponents into dust. It’s a very negative experience. It’s all about cackling when your opponent lands on your space and you get to take all their money.”
And take your money it does. A Monopoly loss is devastating. One of my all time favorite comedians, Louis CK describes it best:
Side note: Louis CK Live at the Beacon Theatre is more than worth the $5. I bought the thing and it’s incredible. Your face will hurt from laughing.
SOURCE: technabob
If they sold this… I would do terrible, dirty, illegal things for someone to start making/selling this.