
5 Awesome things from Community: ‘Digital Exploration of Interior Design’

Because “Digital Exploration of Interior Design” is just part one of a two part Fort Wars epic I’m going to reserve my overall judgment of the episode until we’ve seen part 2 “Pillows and Blankets ” that airs next week (Thursday at 8pm, make sure you’re watching).

Digital Exploration is weaker than the previous weeks because as a single episode it doesn’t hold together the way it (hopefully) will once part two is put into place.  The Britta and Subway story was the strongest this week, though I have faith the Troy and Abed Fort Wars subplot will have a satisfying payoff in part two, promisingly titled “Pillows and Blankets”

Now for this week’s Top 5:

1) Subway Saves.  After Subway, and a massive fan campaign, saved “Chuck” from an early demise the sandwich chain is partnering with Community in what creator Dan Harmon calls fully integrated product placement, he goes on to say that he has “100 percent control over that stuff” (here). Fully integrated indeed!  Unlike the wedged in cameos on Chuck, Subway has worked its way into a starring role in a key, hilarious storyline when a Subway store moves into Greendale’s cafeteria and a Subway corpo-humanoid (human embodiment of a corporation created to circumvent Greendale’s bylaw that  on campus businesses must be 51% owned by a student) moves into Britta’s heart.

If Subway can help add seasons to our beloved weirdo comedy, I say bring it on. Subway has great taste. Six Seasons and a Footlong y’all!

Britta and Subway 2) Britta and the Machine. This entire storyline was bang on! Britta and Subway’s tale of forbidden love between a woman who could never love a corporation and corporation who wants to once again be a man was magic. Their chemistry was wonderful, and the secretive nature of their relationship spoofing on cold war spy tropes complete with clandestine meetings and secret recording devices carried the otherwise less evocative episode.

Added bonus; the running gags of mutual interests were hilarious, their love of George Orwell, saving sad animals and. Of course Greendale offers a “Pre-Menopausal Post-Feministic Experiential Marketing” class, of course Britta’s enrolled in it, and doubly great, Subway is on the waitlist.

3) It’s the 90s now Peirce. Is it Whoremansship or WhoreWomanship. Apparently Britta has put some thought into what kind of call girl she would be, and it is the kind that gets flown to Dubai to stay in an underwater hotel. Dream big sister!

4) The Seeds of Discontent: Troy and Abed. The seed that was planted in “Contemporary Impressionists” continues to cause unrest between Greendale’s inseparable duo. The imposing Vice Dean Laybourne (played by John Goodman) saw the cracks and took the opportunity to step in and make another attempt at recruiting Troy for the exclusive school of air conditioning repair.

As any good villain would, Vice Dean Laybourne knows the deepest secrets and desires of his prey, he uses Troy and Abed’s using their love of watching and role-playing as Inspector Spacetime and Constable Reggie to manipulate their already tenuous relationship to his advantage. The power struggle in Troy and Abed’s relationship is one of the more “get real” issues in Community I love how it is handled with the appropriate level of humour and silliness while maintaining the levity of very real character conflict.

Community Digital Exploration of Interior Design Troy v Abed
5) War is Coming. To borrow a tagline from a major fantasy show that is returning to television this weekend, War is Coming to Greendale. In the Game of Forts you win, or you topple.

Runners Up (a.k.a Bonus  Awesome):  Magnitude (a.k.a Pop Pop) learned two new words! Dean Pelton’s (Jim Rash 4 Eva) general awkwardness is always a win, his inability to cut the ribbon for Subway’s opening, and his absolute obliviousness to the jacket situation were both great bits. Which brings us to, the Subway manager refusing to stand up after listening to the recording of deviant sex acts, who needs subtlety anyway? Annie’s sleep deprived gender issues (and probably Jeff issues) meltdown. Penis Fly-Trap, and last but not least, did we really save Garrett?

Chang Watch 2012: Chang and his creepy army are nowhere to be seen this week and he was not missed. It does cause me to wonder, could he be rallying the troops for the Fort Wars next week? Could Chang be plotting to seize the Fort Throne for himself?

What were your favourite moments of “Digital Exploration of Interior Designs”? Let me know what you thought of the episode in the comments and we’ll meet back here next week after “Pillows and Blankets”.

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