
17 Drinks for Nerding Up Your St. Paddy’s

The best thing about nerds becoming in vogue is that now the internet is abound with delicious drinks based on all our favourite genres and characters. Well actually, the best thing is that wedgies are a thing of the past. Our troubled, acne-ridden pasts. But now you can drink to forget in style with these 17 delicious mixes! Enjoy responsibly for St. Patrick’s Day, folks!


1. The Neck Snap, Mass Effect

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Devised by SaveGame along with a metric buttload of other cocktails inspired by the squadmates from Mass Effect, be sure to take a moment this St. Paddy’s to raise a glass in memory of everyone’s favourite Drell assassin.

3/4 oz Coconut Rum
1/2 oz Melon Liqueur
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
Pineapple Juice to fill

2. Striker Eureka punch, Pacific Rim

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There’s probably a Jaeger Bomb joke to be made here. But nonetheless, feel free to work hard and play harder just like our Australian pilots with this drink recipe! Also, we’re pretty sure that Chuck Hansen must have needed a drink or two after drifting with his dad and inevitably witnessing memories of his own conception. So thanks to tumblr user hardactofollow for this punch mix along with plenty more where that came from!

1 bottle vodka, unflavoured
1 bottle coconut rum
2 bottles white wine (Goon is recommended for Australian authenticity)
4 bottles orange juice
A dash of absinthe if you’re feeling ballsy

3. The Big Rico, Welcome to Night Vale

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It’s a pizza cocktail, guys. PIZZA. COCKTAIL. Something about this bizarre yet oddly stunning drink does fit quite well into the Nightvale atmosphere, though. Thanks again to hardactofollow for this charming concoction!

1 oz bourbon whiskey
2 oz tomato juice
2 oz sun dried tomatoes
2 tbsp pizza sauce
2 basil leaves
2 oregano leaves
1 clove garlic
Serve in a hollowed-out bell pepper

4. Effie Unfiltered, The Hunger Games

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To be fair, cocktail recipes based on the works of Suzanne Collins’ violent dystopia isn’t nearly as weird as the cross-promotions with Cover Girl and Subway for the Catching Fire film. At least its good to know that some people out there still understand irony, but for the easily offended, you might need a drink, so enjoy this martini made by Cosmo for the cosmopolitan of the Capitol herself, Effie Trinket.

2 oz Belvedere Unfiltered
1/2 oz Beefeater Gin
Dash of Vermouth
Shake with ice and serve with a grapefruit garnish

5. The T-Virus Antidote Shot, Resident Evil

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After St. Paddy’s, you’re probably going to feel like a zombie the next day. So save yourself by trying this shot courtesy of The Drunken Moogle!

3/4 oz silver rum
1/4 oz watermelon vodka
Wrap a green twizzler inside the shot glass prior to serving

6. The Ghostbuster

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Make sure to take a moment to remember Harold Ramis, AKA Egon Spengler before knocking this one back. And as always, don’t cross the streams! Thanks to The FNDC for nerding out with this sweet, ectoplasmic mix.

1 oz peach schnapps
2 oz Midori
Splash of Irish Cream

7. Warp Pipe, Super Mario Bros

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Hopefully, these will make you feel better when your “friends” shamelessly steal your stars in Mario Party. Check out The Drunken Moogle for more, and try not to break any glassware when you inevitably come in last place after a 90-round no-handicaps game.

3/4 oz Blue Curaco
1/2 bottle Mike’s Hard Limeade
1/2 oz melon liqueur
1/2 lime cut into wedges

8. The Vodka Implet, Game of Thrones

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In the words of the half-man himself, “It’s not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it were easy.” But that doesn’t mean we can’t get points for at least trying, right? Thanks to DoubleNeat, we’ve got some drink recipes loaded up with all of the personality of the characters they’re inspired by.

1 1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz key lime juice
1 tsp sugar
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled glass, garnish with a slice of lime.

9. Unmasked, Saints Row

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Inspired by the hard-hitting, high-flying ex-Luchadore played by none other than the always lovely Hulk Hogan, this drink is bittersweet, passionate and all-around kickass. Just remember to say your prayers, take your vitamins and believe in yourself! Courtesy of SaveGame.

1/2 oz coconut rum
1/2 oz blue curaco
1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz silver tequila
Fill with passionfruit soda

10. Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid

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With MGSV: Ground Zeroes being released the day after St. Patrick’s Day, you might want to keep a little reserve of liquor in order to deal with the emotional assault the game is more than likely to incur. For a bit of extra fun, try pronouncing “Shalashaska” after taking these shots. Thanks to The Drunken Moogle for the recipe!

1 1/2 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
3 oz sprite
Pour 1/2 oz of vodka into 3 shot glasses, do the same with the bourbon. Top up all shots with Sprite.

11. Sailor Moon cocktails

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Created as a tie-in for the Sailor Moon musicals in Tokyo, this drink menu reminds us all that girly drinks are nothing to be ashamed of. While these appear to be virgin cocktails to appeal to a family-friendly crowd, some creative thinking and a little bit of Blue Curaco and Amaretto could mature them a little bit. Check out Crunchyroll for a full list of the ingredients.

12. The God of Mischief, Marvel Comics

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Designed by tumblr user the-more-i-arty along with a whole line of Avengers-inspired mixed drinks, this Loki-tini is every bit as lavish, complex and attention-grabbing as the Norse god and troublemaker it’s named for.

1/2 oz Black vodka
1/2 oz Blue Curaco
1/2 oz Sour Apple liqueur
1 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Mead
1/2 oz Goldschlager
Stir and add crushed ice, decorate glass with lemon zests.

13. The Goblin King, Labyrinth

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Okay, so Flavorwire is officially my new best friend for coming up with these glorious David Bowie-themed mixed drinks, even including  his iconic characrer Jareth, the aforementioned Goblin King from the nostalgia-bomb Labyrinth. Maybe after a few of these you’ll forget about Bowie’s bulge in that movie, though I don’t know why you would want to.

2 1/2 oz black vodka
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
Shake, then strain into a goblet while listening to Dance Magic Dance.

14. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

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It just wouldn’t be a complete list of fantastic nerdy cocktails without including the mother them all, the literally mind-blowing drink from Douglas Adams’ magnum opus. AllRecipes member SilverMoonDragon has come up with a reliable and tasty recreation of the drink to enjoy while contemplating Life, the Universe and Everything.

1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz white rum
1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz tequila
1 oz creme de menthe
1 oz herbal liqueur
1 cup ice
1 lemon slice
Blend with ice and pour into cocktail glass, serve with lemon.

15. Master Chief Mojito, Halo



Invented by the Little English Halo Blog for the release of Halo 4, this drink puts a clever, nerdy spin on the classic Mojito by using the official Halo Mountain Dew. This drink provides a much-needed refresher whenever 12-year-olds kill-steal from you.

1 1/2 oz white rum
4 oz Mountain Dew
Juice squeezed from 1/4 lime
2 mint sprigs
Stir, serve with crushed ice and a straw

16. Vesper, The Classic Bond Martini


The famous shaken-not-stirred martini, named  Vesper after the Bond Girl of book and film Casino Royale, differs from a traditional martini since it uses lemon instead of olive and omits vermouth, but still packs a punch. The excellent fan blog James Bond Lifestyle helps us dissect the drink.

Might as well just cite the original source here, from Chapter 7 of Ian Fleming’s book Casino Royale: “Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?”

17. The Bruce Wayne, DC Comics

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So, ComicsAlliance decided to get a little cheeky with their superhero-themed drink recipes, and we can hardly blame them. Well, at least this might keep your designated driver appeased.

2 oz ginger ale
Dress up like a Butler and serve in a chilled champagne flute to your brooding vigilante boss

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