
10 Signs that world PvP may not be for you

Dishonourable battle has been an integral part of World of Warcraft since the beginning, especially where the player base is concerned. Over the years playing on a PvP server you see some very strange and hilarious behaviour. If you casually play World of Warcraft or play on a normal, or RP server, consider yourself blessed.

Since the launch of the most recent expansion, Mists of Pandaria, I have noticed a huge increase in the stupidity of the Alliance (as I strictly play Horde). The situations in this list have actually happened, almost always resulting in the person being killed (by me).

Sit back and laugh at the instances of stupidity I have witnessed, and if this list just so happens to describe your play style you may want to consider migrating to a normal server.

10: Lack of Paranoia

If you don’t automatically equip a level appropriate pvp trinket and profusely pan the view camera around your character before/during going out into the world a PvP server may not be for you. You must always expect everyone is out to kill you… because we are.

9: Memorizing Phased Areas

If you have not memorized the major phased areas in your zone then a PvP server may not be for you. At low levels this provides you with an easy escape from us gankers, but this also aids in the development of becoming an effective (and annoying) ganker yourself.

8: Knowing Your Opponent

If you don’t immediately panic at the thought of playing a rogue and attacking a heroic geared blood Death Knight, a PvP server may not be for you. What’s more frustrating is when you, the rogue, don’t understand what you did wrong and complain in General/Trade/forums about it.

7: Being Too Trusting

While questing, if you notice one/a few opposing faction players hovering around you yet you still continue about your business as if they weren’t there, you are too trusting and a PvP server may not be for you. When we want to kill you, we will wait until you are at half health in the middle of a fight with multiple mobs. It’s more fun that way.

6: Tunnel Vision

During a fight with other players, if you only attack the character right in front of you, you have tunnel vision and a PvP server may not be for you. There is a reason that Warrior doesn’t take any damage what so ever and is shielded, and unfortunately it has nothing to do with hacking the game. Sorry.

5: Range Awareness

If you think just because you are on a flying mount and are out of spell/melee range you are safe from attacks then a PvP server may not be for you. We get frustrated when an AFK character is just out of our reach for a good killing, and Blizzard completely understood. Why else does the Hardened Shell exist? Definitely not to be fair…

4: Falling for Gank Traps

If you are being beckoned over for what looks like a very fair one-on-one fight with another player a PvP server may not be for you. The chances there are several other characters standing in stealth next to the instigator are extremely high, and if you are gullible enough to fall for that trap then you deserve the hour long corpse-camp.

3: Guilt Trips/Rage Outbursts

If you think that making a level 1 Horde toon just to yell at me for killing you will make me stop killing you, then a PvP server may not be for you. For most of us, the fight doesn’t begin until we start seeing a flood of pink text in our chat log. Besides, if someone sat you in front of a big red button and told you not to push it… you would push it.

2: You Play a Hunter

Hunters are magical creatures who only have to press a total of 4 buttons at a time. If you think that rolling a hunter will result in an enjoyable play experience then a PvP server may not be for you. Hunters suck, take little skill to master, and many non-hunter platers have a vendetta against them. Heck, we even go as far as to hunt you down with the sole intent of killing you relentlessly. Consider this a friendly warning.

1: You Play a Hunter… and Suck

The only thing worse than just playing a hunter is poorly playing a hunter. If you don’t check your surroundings for… say the edge of a cliff… before disengaging then a PvP server may not be for you. Nothing warms my heart more than receiving honor for successfully shelling someone out of the air, than receiving honor when a Hunter disengages off a cliff and dies.

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